
A weekly post
for software creatives.

Every Saturday AM.
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This Article is Below Average

If you’re creating something for others, there’s going to be a strong pull to publish only the best you can make.

That’s a bit of a mistake.

That’s because the best products are awful at many things. They’re awful at all the things they’re not meant to do. And they might only be good enough for the thing they’re built to do. And yet, they’re bought, and they’re used, and they’re raved about by the buyers who tell others.

These products might be revered, and yet, considering the average of all the expectations of everyone on earth, these products might sit well below.

And average is a bit of a cancer for creativity. Your mind, to protect itself from harm, was trained to judge all inputs against all that is possible. Better be safe than eaten by a lion. But it mistakes your creative work with lions, and it judges good enough against the average.

Instead, aim for your product to serve the “from-to”. Not everyone is ready to move on their problems, but when they are, they’re starting from a “from”, and aiming for a “to”. And if your product is there, helps with that “from-to”, and is just good enough to do that job, then you got a sale, you get someone raving and telling others, and your product is a hit.

And besides, your products, (and my articles) will get better with time, won’t they? At first, everything is below average.

So shoot for good enough. It might be below average, but that’s to be expected anyway.

Photo of Pascal Laliberté

New article sent every Saturday morning.
by Pascal Laliberté.